I had some students in study hall the other day tell me they had nothing to do. I dug through an old file folder that I used to store game type worksheets in to see what I could find. While looking through the files, I found a problem that I was given by my cooperating teacher Ruth Anderson way back in 2002 while I was student teaching. The problem is called "How Grand Is Your Total?".
The students seemed immediately interested, and they asked me what a good score was. I couldn't remember, so I did a quick Google search to see what I could find.
I was immediately pleased to see that Sara VanDerWerf (@saravdwerf) had recently blogged about this exact problem. She even had a fresh looking pdf document linked, and I knew I had struck gold.
I will let you read Sara's post about open middle problems and the origin of "How Grand Is Your Total?" What I'm wondering is if anyone has seen the two other documents that I found in that same dusty file folder. Both are very much like the "How Grand" problem, but each with their own wrinkles.
The first is related to maximizing your total score with exponents. I am almost certain that Mrs. Anderson also gave me this file because it is hand written and looks like her writing. Here is a link to a pdf copy of it.
The second especially cracks me up. Once again, it was given to me by Mrs. Anderson and appears to be printed using an old school dot matrix printer. I remember students working on that way back in 2002 and it being a complete devil of a problem. Talk about having to know your properties of logarithms and understanding how logarithms operate! Here is a link to that one.
If anyone is willing to update these documents for the greater good, please share when you're done. Thanks to Mrs. Anderson (who has since retired from teaching) for being a great mentor and exposing me to open middle problems way before they were called "open middle problems". I'm sorry I left those documents tucked away in a file folder for so long.
For those wondering, I didn't figure out what a "good score" on "How Grand Is Your Total?" yet. I'll leave that up to my students.
Challenging students and striving for continual improvement
Saturday, November 5, 2016
Monday, October 17, 2016
2016: First Quarter Highlights
There is technically a week before the end of my first quarter, but there is a blog post waiting to be written. This post is my first one in quite a while; it will be a random collection of things I've encountered these first two months of school.
1. Dan Meyer recently blogged about his Ten Lessons From Ten Years of Blogging. His first one is "Figure out why you're blogging." I blog for two major reasons. First, it is good for me to reflect on what I'm doing in the classroom. My blog has helped me think more deeply about the "Why's" of my work. Second, I blog because I feel as though I have something to contribute to the greater good of our profession. A majority of my activities, lessons, tasks, etc. have come from other people's work and ideas, many of which I have found on blogs. I want to give back as I continue to grow. By blogging, I'm a member of the larger community of math teachers who want to improve math instruction for all students, not just their own.
1b. Dan warns about blogging first and foremost for fame and readers; I like to think that I'm not. However, I did recently get excited when my blog went over 3000 views...which is about 2995 more than I ever dreamed about!
1c. Just yesterday, my curriculum director emailed our staff about an opportunity to hear a gentleman named George Couros speak. Along with her invitation was a link to Mr. Couros' blog. I followed the link and the very first post that I found was titled "Blogging is your job." It made tons of sense to me; I recommend you read it.
2. Desmos continues to make small yet game changing improvements to their products. Also, we had students play Marbleslides in geometry during our equation of lines lessons. Students LOVED it. We had them work with partners to do as many challenges as they could during one class period. 100% engagement level each hour.
3. My co-teacher, Jarrod, and I made a change in the logistics of our geometry classes. We have been very happy with the results. Read about those changes here.
4. There has been a lot of cool happenings on Twitter -- too many to mention at once. One I do want to mention is April Pforts (@aprilpfortsiowa) recently started to blog. (https://iowamathblog.wordpress.com/) I met April two years ago while doing some work with leaders from SD, ND, MT, and IA. I'm excited to read her blog. Congrats, April! Search #MTBoS for other great resources.
4b. I am sick and tired of the political garbage that takes over social media. It's to the point that I steer away from Twitter and Facebook at certain times. I can't wait until this election is over.
5. Our district had a full day, all-staff inservice day a week ago. We listened to a speaker named David LaRose. His message was about PLCs and what effective PLCs look and feel like. He was superb and I'm not very motivated to get PLCs up and running in our school district.
6. I've tried to improve my communication with parents this year by sending parents a weekly newsletter via email. I'm happy to say that I haven't missed a week yet! The newsletter idea came from my child's 3rd grade teacher who sent out an email each week last year. My newsletters are nothing out of the ordinary; they simply highlight some of the happenings and highlights from the week that was, and offers a glimpse of the week ahead. I try to include dates of quizzes and tests. I plan to ask parents for feedback at conferences next week.
Here's to a great second semester!
1. Dan Meyer recently blogged about his Ten Lessons From Ten Years of Blogging. His first one is "Figure out why you're blogging." I blog for two major reasons. First, it is good for me to reflect on what I'm doing in the classroom. My blog has helped me think more deeply about the "Why's" of my work. Second, I blog because I feel as though I have something to contribute to the greater good of our profession. A majority of my activities, lessons, tasks, etc. have come from other people's work and ideas, many of which I have found on blogs. I want to give back as I continue to grow. By blogging, I'm a member of the larger community of math teachers who want to improve math instruction for all students, not just their own.
1b. Dan warns about blogging first and foremost for fame and readers; I like to think that I'm not. However, I did recently get excited when my blog went over 3000 views...which is about 2995 more than I ever dreamed about!
1c. Just yesterday, my curriculum director emailed our staff about an opportunity to hear a gentleman named George Couros speak. Along with her invitation was a link to Mr. Couros' blog. I followed the link and the very first post that I found was titled "Blogging is your job." It made tons of sense to me; I recommend you read it.
2. Desmos continues to make small yet game changing improvements to their products. Also, we had students play Marbleslides in geometry during our equation of lines lessons. Students LOVED it. We had them work with partners to do as many challenges as they could during one class period. 100% engagement level each hour.
3. My co-teacher, Jarrod, and I made a change in the logistics of our geometry classes. We have been very happy with the results. Read about those changes here.
4. There has been a lot of cool happenings on Twitter -- too many to mention at once. One I do want to mention is April Pforts (@aprilpfortsiowa) recently started to blog. (https://iowamathblog.wordpress.com/) I met April two years ago while doing some work with leaders from SD, ND, MT, and IA. I'm excited to read her blog. Congrats, April! Search #MTBoS for other great resources.
4b. I am sick and tired of the political garbage that takes over social media. It's to the point that I steer away from Twitter and Facebook at certain times. I can't wait until this election is over.
5. Our district had a full day, all-staff inservice day a week ago. We listened to a speaker named David LaRose. His message was about PLCs and what effective PLCs look and feel like. He was superb and I'm not very motivated to get PLCs up and running in our school district.
6. I've tried to improve my communication with parents this year by sending parents a weekly newsletter via email. I'm happy to say that I haven't missed a week yet! The newsletter idea came from my child's 3rd grade teacher who sent out an email each week last year. My newsletters are nothing out of the ordinary; they simply highlight some of the happenings and highlights from the week that was, and offers a glimpse of the week ahead. I try to include dates of quizzes and tests. I plan to ask parents for feedback at conferences next week.
Here's to a great second semester!
Combating Student Absences
This blog post is intended to give you a glimpse of how Mr. Huntimer and I have modified some of the logistics in our geometry classes to help combat the fact that we a high percentage of students missing a high number of classes. We have been extremely happy with the changes we made. They have helped our classrooms run a lot more smoothly.
Before I start with the details, I want to clarify what we're dealing with. Our geometry classes are composed of mostly sophomores and freshmen. Overall, we have very good students. They work hard; they do their homework; they care. That's 98% of the battle. But these student types are often times very involved in co- and extra-curricular activities.
Here is part of the attendance record for the first quarter for one of my classes. As you can see, I've got around 20 students for this particular section. The letter code is this: "A" is an absence cleared by parents; "T" is a tardy; "U" is an unexcused absence; and "X" is absence due to school activity.
As you can see, some students have been in class every single day. Others have missed literally 25% of class due to school related absences. And here is the news... it only gets worse as the school year moves along. In the fall, sports are the major culprit. Once winter and spring roll around, there seems to be a lot more missed time due to music rehearsals and competitions and things such as FFA events. Even many of the athletes miss more in the winter and spring. For example, the football teams only play once a week in the fall, and the games start after school. The track teams will often have meets twice a week in the spring, many of which start sometime in the afternoon.
This post is not intended to shine a negative light on students who miss class for various reasons. (In fact, Mr. Huntimer coaches in the fall, and we both coach basketball in the winter. Both of us miss more than a half-dozen days of our afternoon classes each year due to having to leave for games.) It's intention is to inform you of some changes we implemented that have helped erase the headache caused when students ask, "Mr. Kreie -- what did I miss yesterday?"
Hardware & Software Details:
Our students each have a school-issued laptop with Geometer's Sketchpad installed.
We use Google Classroom (GC) as our learning management system.
Students use Google Drive for their file storage.
Students have a textbook and online access to our Pearson textbook resources.
We grab resources from numerous places, creating MS Word documents along the way.
We use Camtasia software to record a screencast of our lessons.
Changes in Implementation:
Change #1: We give an assessment each Wednesday.
Our formal assessments come in two forms - tests and quizzes. We reserved the name "test" for the summative assessment at the end of each unit. Tests are not able to be re-taken (unless 504 / IEP modifications call for it.) We reserved the name "quiz" for the formative assessments checkpoints found along the journey through the unit. Quizzes can be re-taken by any student who scores below a 90% on the first attempt. *The maximum score on a re-take is a 90%.
The change to Wednesdays has been awesome. In years past, we've steered away from Wednesdays for assessments because class periods are 5 minutes shorter than every other day (our district has early release time on Wednesdays). However, Wednesday's are the day that very few school activities happen. (See table above - only one "X" on a Wednesday.) Most students are in class, which means fewer students needing to make up the assessment the next day. To allow for the shortened class period, we've simply shortened the assessments.
Two unforeseen side effects of this change occurred. First, this structure has allowed us to have a little faster pace through the first quarter. In past years, if we were going to give an assessment, we would always make sure that there was at least one work / review day on the day before the assessment. No new material or lessons would be covered the day before assessment. This year, depending on the week, we don't always have a work / review day. On at least two occasions we have presented new material on Tuesday but then simply not included the new material on that week's quiz.
Morever, in the past we have always ran into lesson timing issues at some point each unit. For example, maybe the last lesson of the unit happens to fall on a Thursday and there is a homework assignment that goes with it. Did we give the unit test on Friday? No, because we want to make sure that students understand the material and provide feedback before giving the unit assessment. So what do we do? Give the test on Monday? Probably not, but it has occurred from time to time. Push the test until Tuesday? Most likely, and now in a sense we've used one more day than needed waiting for the "right" day to assess.
This change has now dictated when we assess. No more "searching" for the correct day.
(*Note: I do admit that we pushed our first unit test to Thursday this year. We simply needed one more day to clarify some concepts that students were struggling with. That particular week there was no assessment on Wednesday. Even though this change has dictated our assessment schedule, we still make the rules and can adjust them to fit our needs!)
Secondly, this change has broken our units into smaller "chunks" and students seem to have a clearer sense of what is expected of them each week (see change #2 below). We actually made our units a bit broader and more conceptual based, but each week sort of takes on it own identity. One might expect that students struggle with retaining the material from early in the unit since it is a longer period of time between unit tests, but we have not seen any sort of drop off in the scores.
Morever, in the past we have always ran into lesson timing issues at some point each unit. For example, maybe the last lesson of the unit happens to fall on a Thursday and there is a homework assignment that goes with it. Did we give the unit test on Friday? No, because we want to make sure that students understand the material and provide feedback before giving the unit assessment. So what do we do? Give the test on Monday? Probably not, but it has occurred from time to time. Push the test until Tuesday? Most likely, and now in a sense we've used one more day than needed waiting for the "right" day to assess.
This change has now dictated when we assess. No more "searching" for the correct day.
(*Note: I do admit that we pushed our first unit test to Thursday this year. We simply needed one more day to clarify some concepts that students were struggling with. That particular week there was no assessment on Wednesday. Even though this change has dictated our assessment schedule, we still make the rules and can adjust them to fit our needs!)
Secondly, this change has broken our units into smaller "chunks" and students seem to have a clearer sense of what is expected of them each week (see change #2 below). We actually made our units a bit broader and more conceptual based, but each week sort of takes on it own identity. One might expect that students struggle with retaining the material from early in the unit since it is a longer period of time between unit tests, but we have not seen any sort of drop off in the scores.
Change #2: We use a "task list" each week.
Each Wednesday we release a new task list on the GC stream. The task list is simply a list of items and resources for students to have and use during the upcoming week (Wednesday to Wednesday). [An example task list is shown below.] The task list is released just before our first geometry class of the day, which happens to be immediately following lunch. When students come to class on Wednesdays, they take the assessment and then have access to the new task list.
Along with the task list, we also post on the GC stream all homework assignments and due dates that need to be completed before the next assessment (the following Wednesday).
This change has helped fight the problem of students missing class immensely. Now, students don't have to ask, "I'm going to be gone on Friday. What are we doing?" Their assignments are already posted.
Each day other than Wednesday, we also post a video of what happened in class that given day. Some days it is a brief announcement with reminders. Other days it is a lesson with highlights of our discussion. Regardless, students are expected to watch the video any time they are absent from class. This is also helpful for students who happened to be in class but would like to review or re-learn at a slower pace.
The task list & release of assignments on Wednesdays have also helped cut down on the number of missing assignments. I don't have any data to back that claim up, and I'm not sure the cause (maybe it's just a good group of students). But I have far fewer missing assignments this year than in the past three years of teaching these same classes.
One final thought about this...
Mr. Huntimer and I both agree that we wouldn't have been able to do this task list idea during our first two years of working together. It really has been a three year process in the making. Our first year, we were starting from scratch and learning about each other as much as anything. Last year, we restructured some things and made tweaks along the way. This year, we continue to tweak and improve things but we have a strong idea of what we want from certain lessons, assignments, assessments, and activities. The task list requires us to have everything for the following week finalized before lunch on Wednesday.
Change #3: We have made vocabulary a major focus this year.
As part of the task list each week, we provide students with a list of vocabulary words for the week. Each student was asked to have a composition notebook exclusively for geometry class that we use as their vocabulary journal. Students are to find the definition and provide a sketch / diagram for each word we assign.
As students enter class on Wednesdays, they turn their vocabulary journals in for us to grade them. While students are taking the assessment, we check their vocabulary journals for completion and return them to the students when they are finished with the assessment.
Again, an unforeseen side effect has taken place. After they complete their assessment, a large majority of students open up the new task list and begin defining their vocabulary words for the week. This keeps students engaged in class while others are finishing. It has also led to more students having some prior knowledge about topics as we move through the week.
Overall, I have been very pleased with how the vocabulary implementation has improved our classrooms.
Here is an example task list for this week.
Task List -- Week 8
October 13 - October 19
Major Concepts:
- Types of Transformations
- Properties of Transformations
- Transformation (of a geometric figure)
- Pre-Image
- Image
- Rigid Motion
- Composition of Transformations
- Translation
Assignments / Tasks:
- Complete Vocabulary
- Homework 9.1
- Problem of the Day #10
- Desmos Activity - Translations
Textbook Resources (www.pearsonrealize.com):
- Section 9.1
Other Resources:
- Khan Academy
- Interactive Practice
Next Assessment:
- Quiz 08, Wednesday, 10/19
- Vocabulary Notebooks due Wednesday, 10/19
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Opening Day 2016
Our school has a unique way to open the school year. On the first day, all classes have meetings in the morning in order for the administration to set rules, highlight critical policies, etc. Then students and their parents come either in the afternoon or evening and experience a shortened schedule during which they go to each class for a 10 minute session. I don't really think of this as the first day of school, but rather a "back-to-school" event.
The true opening day is the following day. Students come for our regular Wednesday schedule (1:30 release time) and we dive right in.
This year, I teach advanced algebra 2 during first hour. I talked briefly about some of the rules / expectations that I have. The nice thing is that I had most of my students in geometry last year, so many of the expectations are already established. I gave the students the Google Classroom code and made sure they were all able to gain access. I also lined students up with their Pearson Realize login information and gave a brief tutorial on how to find resources inside of that platform.
Lastly, we had about 20 minutes of class time remaining and I wanted to get the kids a taste of what we're going to be doing tomorrow. Our first activity tomorrow what we call the Garden Problem. It is very much like the Visual Patterns tasks that you can see on Fawn Nguyen's site. Luckily for me, David Cox and Desmos had an awesome activity created that I had students work on to finish class.
I had students work with their elbow partner to complete the task. Overall, things went very well. There is a lot of power in Desmos' ability to sketch on the screen. Here is an example of one group's work.
I'm really looking forward to using Desmos again this year. I feel Opening Day was a victory for the home team.
The true opening day is the following day. Students come for our regular Wednesday schedule (1:30 release time) and we dive right in.
This year, I teach advanced algebra 2 during first hour. I talked briefly about some of the rules / expectations that I have. The nice thing is that I had most of my students in geometry last year, so many of the expectations are already established. I gave the students the Google Classroom code and made sure they were all able to gain access. I also lined students up with their Pearson Realize login information and gave a brief tutorial on how to find resources inside of that platform.
Lastly, we had about 20 minutes of class time remaining and I wanted to get the kids a taste of what we're going to be doing tomorrow. Our first activity tomorrow what we call the Garden Problem. It is very much like the Visual Patterns tasks that you can see on Fawn Nguyen's site. Luckily for me, David Cox and Desmos had an awesome activity created that I had students work on to finish class.
I had students work with their elbow partner to complete the task. Overall, things went very well. There is a lot of power in Desmos' ability to sketch on the screen. Here is an example of one group's work.
I'm really looking forward to using Desmos again this year. I feel Opening Day was a victory for the home team.
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Algebraic Reasoning with Mobiles
This summer I had the opportunity to teach other teachers through the South Dakota Counts program. I enjoyed working with teachers from around the state and learned a lot from them.
I especially like the resources that CAMSE kicks out each year. One of my favorite resources that I gained exposure to is Math Mobiles. These puzzle type challenges do a great job of developing algebraic and logical reasoning.
I did some searching for where I could my hands on some more of these, and thanks to a blogger by the name of JFairbanks , I found a site that not only had pre-made challenges, it also allows you to create your own.
Solve Me Mobiles
Here is an example (I recommend you check out the site and play on there):
Students are to find the value of each shape, assuming that the mobile is balanced and adds to the total weight in the top circle.
I'm excited to try some of these out on my students!
I especially like the resources that CAMSE kicks out each year. One of my favorite resources that I gained exposure to is Math Mobiles. These puzzle type challenges do a great job of developing algebraic and logical reasoning.
I did some searching for where I could my hands on some more of these, and thanks to a blogger by the name of JFairbanks , I found a site that not only had pre-made challenges, it also allows you to create your own.
Solve Me Mobiles
Here is an example (I recommend you check out the site and play on there):
Students are to find the value of each shape, assuming that the mobile is balanced and adds to the total weight in the top circle.
I'm excited to try some of these out on my students!
Thursday, July 28, 2016
2017 SDCTM Conference Proposal
I just submitted a conference proposal for Jarrod and I to present at the SDCTM conference in Huron on February 3-4, 2017. We are planning a two hour session where participants will explore the Desmos activities and activity builder features.
I held a Desmos training session earlier this summer at BHS, and since then Desmos has made some major changes and literally hundreds of new activities have been created. I'm interested to see what else will change between now and February.
I held a Desmos training session earlier this summer at BHS, and since then Desmos has made some major changes and literally hundreds of new activities have been created. I'm interested to see what else will change between now and February.
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
The NEED for High School Math Teachers to Be Integrating Statistics Into Our Classes
I attended a class last week @ South Dakota State that focused on deepening the understand of what the CCSS expect students to know in the realm of statistics. The class was great for two reasons. First, my statistics content knowledge needed some dusting off -- this class provided the cleaning. Second, the class has really made me think hard about how our department can do a better job of integrating these standards into the lessons and activities that we're already using.
I'm not here to pick sides on this issue. I don't follow politics enough to shed light on the data that Lemon is referring to. I don't know if the President was lying about it, nor am I implying that he was. I am simply using this four line discussion as evidence that there is a lot of gray area in the realm of statistics.
But most of all, I really started thinking about the NEED for students to be exposed to lessons in statistics. The greatest need is for students to be made aware that they need to think critically when presented with statistics found in the real world. I get the feeling that a majority of adults don't understand the different ways statistics can be manipulated to show different angles of the same story. Just yesterday, I saw this video on CNN of an interview between CNN's Don Lemon and Sheriff David Clarke.
![]() |
Source: http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/18/us/wisconsin-sheriff-david-clarke-i-predicted-this/index.html |
I'm not here to pick sides on this issue. I don't follow politics enough to shed light on the data that Lemon is referring to. I don't know if the President was lying about it, nor am I implying that he was. I am simply using this four line discussion as evidence that there is a lot of gray area in the realm of statistics.
What I do know is that there ways that statistics can manipulate the truth about what is really happening. Students need to understand how things like sample size and random sampling can have an effect on data. They need to analyze different data sets that hold relevance in their world, whether it be things such as shoe size, height, or average sleep time. Students need to understand why the median is resistant to outliers. They need to understand how we determine if a data point can be considered an outlier. They need to see how graphs can be misleading.
All of these skills (and others) are needed in order for our students to be wise consumers of statistics. I am afraid that many people hear statistics on the news or read statistics found in newspapers, but never really consider the process of how the statistic was created or how the statistic was represented and what message it is intended to support.
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
REMAST wrap up
A couple of weeks ago I presented a session about Desmos at the REMAST Conference in here Brookings, SD. The presenter speaking before me was Matt Miller (@jmattmiller), author of "Ditch That Textbook".
I feel honored that Matt listened to my Desmos 101 talk, and also that he decided to take some of his famous sketch notes at the same time. I would love to be able to sketch notes like this!
I feel honored that Matt listened to my Desmos 101 talk, and also that he decided to take some of his famous sketch notes at the same time. I would love to be able to sketch notes like this!
The Word about Desmos is Getting Around
The ISTE 2016 conference is currently taking place in Denver, and until today I have never heard of the ISTE conference. It looks like I need to take a long look into this one for the future.
Based on what I'm finding on Twitter tonight, two gentlemen (Bob & Jedidiah) presented a session on Desmos today. Two reasons for this blog post:
1. It amazes me what social media is doing to my personal professional development.
2. The word about Desmos is spreading like wildfire.
Last November, my colleague Jarrod and I attended the NCTM regional conference in Minneapolis. We crudely estimated that easily more than half of people we talked to had never heard of Desmos (or simply thought that it was only an online graphing calculator).
That led us to feel the need to start spreading the word around our region. This February, Jarrod and I presented a session on Desmos at the SDCTM conference. Anywhere from 25-40 people attended our session. Once again, the theme was many had never heard about Desmos or the Desmos teacher website.
Based on what took place in Denver today via Twitter, another batch of math educators were exposed to Desmos and here is what some had to say:
I couldn't agree with these folks more. The word is out. Desmos is revolutionizing the way we can engage students in our math classrooms. I can't wait to see what 2016-2017 has in store for math education!
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
South Dakota Counts Instructor
Today begins my journey as an instructor for a class offered for graduate credit. I am teaching a course titled ED 611: Algebraic Reasoning for K-12 Educators through the South Dakota Counts program. I've experienced three summers of these type of classes as a student and I'm excited to be a part of the process again.
Nerves are present (like any "first day of school") but I am confident things will go well all week.
Friday, April 29, 2016
Geometry Field Trip
This semester, we are having our geometry students complete a floor plan project. Students were given a blueprint of (part of) a house and were required to find the area of the floor and the walls in each room. We made some of the rooms a bit irregular to draw in more concepts than simply finding the area of a rectangle.
To increase the real-life element of the project, we also asked students to find prices of flooring and paint and calculate what it would cost to pay for the carpet / tile / vinyl and the paint. Students needed to provide price quotes and samples of colors they would choose.
We didn't want students to simply to and look online for prices. Instead, we took a field trip to Barrett's Design Center for one class period. Students were able to see the various flooring and paint options, talk with the interior designers, and ask questions about our project.
Overall, our field trip was very successful. A load of thanks goes to Angie and Cindy for helping us and allowing us to come and visit. And how cool was their little wrap up speech advocating for math!
(I used to do a project similar to this one where students were asked to remodel their bedroom and one other room in their own house. They needed to then calculate the actual cost based on what types of materials they would purchase. I never had the chance to integrate a field trip into the project!)
To increase the real-life element of the project, we also asked students to find prices of flooring and paint and calculate what it would cost to pay for the carpet / tile / vinyl and the paint. Students needed to provide price quotes and samples of colors they would choose.
We didn't want students to simply to and look online for prices. Instead, we took a field trip to Barrett's Design Center for one class period. Students were able to see the various flooring and paint options, talk with the interior designers, and ask questions about our project.
Overall, our field trip was very successful. A load of thanks goes to Angie and Cindy for helping us and allowing us to come and visit. And how cool was their little wrap up speech advocating for math!
(I used to do a project similar to this one where students were asked to remodel their bedroom and one other room in their own house. They needed to then calculate the actual cost based on what types of materials they would purchase. I never had the chance to integrate a field trip into the project!)
Monday, April 18, 2016
One Good Thing Part 2
Just a quick post here... the school year is cruising along.
Today, something happened that doesn't often occur for me. I was able to clear out my Outlook inbox!
Today, something happened that doesn't often occur for me. I was able to clear out my Outlook inbox!
Always a happy day when the inbox is clear!
Monday, February 15, 2016
Pear Deck - Attempt #1
I'm in the process of writing my first lesson that I plan to use Pear Deck (Geometry, section 7.2 - introduction to similar figures). As I'm planning, Andrew Stadel's blog pops up with this overview. This whole Twitter / blogging / MTBoS universe is pretty amazing.
Since I'm an infant yet at using Pear Deck, I'm curious to hear more about its versatility and specific ways others are using it. I hope to report back tomorrow with how things went.
Since I'm an infant yet at using Pear Deck, I'm curious to hear more about its versatility and specific ways others are using it. I hope to report back tomorrow with how things went.
Saturday, February 6, 2016
Teach My Lesson - MTBos Week 4
The fourth and final week of the #MTBoS Blogging Initiative is here. I am sitting at the South Dakota Council of Teachers of Mathematics conference, wrapping up my thoughts from the event. My co-teacher Jarrod and I presented at two sessions yesterday. The second was titled "Why You Need to Bring Desmos Into Your Classroom." We found that there are a number of teachers who do not yet know about the Desmos Teacher site and the activities that can be found there.
Which leads me my version of "Teach My Lesson."
If you're new to Desmos, do the following... go to student.desmos.com. Enter code "5xy6". Complete the activity. This lesson actually follows a different lesson that I do that introduces students to transformations of functions. (For that activity, enter code "xsnx".)
If you're already a teacher.desmos.com user, here are the links that you can use to customize these two activities.
Transformation of Functions
Standard Form of Quadratic Functions
Desmos has so much potential for exploring mathematics, especially ones algebraic in nature. I have found that students gain a lot of ownership of the math involved in these activities. It's important to have students reflect and summarize their discoveries as part of these lessons.
If you happen to use either of these, I'd love to hear feedback. Best of luck!
Better Questions
I know, I know. Week 3 of the 2016 Blogging Initiative has long come and gone. It's nearly the end of week 4! I apologize for the tardiness.
I love the topic of "Better Questions" not only because the types of questions you ask can really dictate the type of classroom and style of teaching you have, but also because I need to continue to grow in the area of questioning. Blogging about questioning will help me re-focus on the types of questions I'm asking my students.
This past fall, I presented a training module to HS / MS math teachers that focused on Effective Questioning. The module brings to light the four levels of questions defined in NCTM's Principles to Actions (2014).
Question Type
Gathering Information
Students recall facts, definitions, or procedures.
Probing Thinking
Students explain, elaborate, or clarify their thinking,
including articulating the steps in solution methods or the completion of a
Making the Mathematics Visible
Students discuss mathematical structures and make
connections among mathematical ideas and relationships.
Encouraging reflection and justification
Students reveal deeper
understanding of their reasoning and actions, including making an argument
for the validity of their work.
I've set the goal of asking more level 3 and 4 in my classroom, including on assessments. These types of questions are sometimes tricky to create and grade. Here is an example of a question that I asked my algebra 2 students.
I consider this a level 3 question due to asking students to make connections between the factors, solutions, and zeros on the graph.
Some example of student work:
Some example of student work:
Student 1: Excellent.
Student 2: This student did not understand the connection between the zeros of the graph and solutions of the equation.
Monday, January 18, 2016
My Favorite: Linear Regression & Movies
Week 2 of the #MTBoS challenge: "My Favorite".
There are many lessons and activities that I have that could qualify as "My Favorite", but since I haven't blogged about this one yet, I'll go with it.
For the past couple of years, I used an activity I found on Yummy Math to help apply linear regression to a real world context. I modify the activity just a bit by changing some of the movies to some of my favorites. (If you haven't check out Yummy Math yet, I'd recommend it. A lot of the site is free, but I'd recommend paying the $20 per year for full access. The best thing about Yummy Math is that they're always updating their activities.)
Using Desmos, it's very quick and easy to create regression equations. Students are asked to find some of the data from their own favorite movies, which completely draws them into the activity.
There is a lot of opportunity for rich discussion in the activity. Some examples of really great discussions I've had w/ this activity:
- Why are some movies way above or below the line of best fit? What would cause that sort of behavior?
- How does inflation / release dates play a role in this data?
- Why do Disney animated movies tend to be below the line of best fit?
- Why are sequels typically below the line of best fit?
- Are most of the top-grossing films of all time (Titantic, Avatar, and now Star War 7) above the line of best fit?
- When looking at a series of films (ex: Fast & the Furious), why do some fall above the line while others fall below?
Lastly, I love the activity because it leaves a bit of a cliffhanger. Each year I do this, I wait and see what is the #1 movie in America during the past weekend and include that as part of my data set. This past year, it was Hotel Transylvania 2. At the end of the activity, I have students write down their prediction for the total gross amount for that movie. Of course, there is no right answer at the time since the movie is still in theaters. So we wait and occasionally check on it throughout the semester. When the dust settles, we look back and see which student was closest to correct and award a prize.
($ in
($ in
The Avengers
The Hunger Games: Catching
Harry Potter & the
Deathly Hallows Part 2
Jurassic World
The Sandlot
Toy Story 3
Dumb & Dumber
Avengers 2: Age of Ultron
Major League
Hotel Transylvania 2
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